Steve Kaali  (Event Cordinator) member since 1997

     I fell into the undergound electronic music scene about 6 years ago.  I was very lucky to have moved just a few doors down from Oscure and it didn't take a lot of brains to see how much incredible musical and artistic talent was BLOOMING among this group of people.  After going to a few house parties and accompanying Oscure on a his gigs, I envisioned a weekly gathering of friends and rockin' music happening somewhere in Hollywood in 1998.  Before I knew it God led me to one of the oldest bars in Hollywood called Boardners Bar. It's quaint and comfortable lay-out provided the perfect place we soon called " Home".  So for every Thursday for almost 18 months LABA resident

DJ's and other local L.A. talent rocked Hollywood.  We gave it the name BLOOM because of what I said before; " an incredible amount of musical and artistic talent waiting for the right moment to BLOOM." This night brought out alot of Local talent now rockin' today.


     Now I' retired from my short-lived party promotions on a regular basis. Until our anniversary events, Picnic in the Park, Bloom, Snapdraggon, and Decompression stay tuned..
